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Issue 17 Summer 1997

Social Research Update is published quarterly by the Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, England. Subscriptions for the hardcopy version are free to researchers with addresses in the UK. Apply by email to

Open and Closed Question

Stephen Farrall, Jon Bannister, Jason Ditton and Elizabeth Gilchrist

Stephen Farrall is a Research Officer at the Centre for Criminological Research, University of Oxford. His main interests include the fear of crime and desistance from offending. He is currently undertaking research on the probation service. Jon Bannister (a Lecturer in Social Policy, University of Glasgow) has undertaken research and published several papers on both the fear of crime and, more recently, CCTV. Jason Ditton is Professor of Criminology at the Faculty of Law, Sheffield University. His most recent research interests include the fear of crime, CCTV and the use of drugs. Elizabeth Gilchrist is a lecturer at the School of Psychology at Birmingham University and has undertaken research into the fear of crime.

Research on the fear of crime has grown substantially in recent years. From its inception, this field has relied almost exclusively upon quantitative surveys, which have suggested that the fear of crime is a prevalent social problem. However, doubts about the nature of the instruments used to investigate this phenomenon, and in particular the use of ‘closed’ questions, have raised the possibility that the fear of crime has been significantly misrepresented. This Update suggests that our understanding of the fear of crime is a product of the way it has been researched rather than the way it is.

When designing survey questions we talk of ‘face validity’, which in essence means whether a question looks like it is up to the required job. However, more complex assessments of a measure’s validity are rarely undertaken. This is partly because it is a formidable task, but also, as Brewer and Hunter (1989:41) suggest, “Perhaps studies evaluating commonly used measures of social science concepts are relatively rare because they so often seem to end on a depressing note.”

One of the most thorough reports of such a validity check is by Belson (1986), who attempted to assess the validity of quantitative tools by re-interviewing qualitatively respondents who had completed a quantitative interview. In one instance, respondents were asked about their chocolate consumption during the previous week using a quantitative tool and were then immediately re-interviewed in depth by a second researcher, the aim being to assess the extent to which the answers to the first questions were correct. Belson (1986:64) reports that:

“...the number of bars, etc. claimed in the first interview was about a fifth larger than the total number finally agreed in the intensive interview (which is interpreted as being nearer the truth)”. [emphasis added].

In this Update, we discuss our own efforts to assess the validity of some measures in an area of social research which has seen rapid expansion in the last two decades: people’s anxieties about crime.

The fear of crime

Recent years have witnessed an increased interest in the fear of crime from both academics and policy makers. A plethora of studies, including several sweeps of the British Crime Survey (see, inter alia, Hough and Mayhew, 1983; Chambers and Tombs, 1984; Hough and Mayhew, 1985; Mayhew et al, 1989; Maxfield, 1987; Skogan, 1990; Payne, 1992; and Kinsey and Anderson, 1992) have concluded that the fear of crime impinges upon the well-being of a large proportion of the population. For example, Chambers and Tombs (1984:29) reviewing the 1982 British Crime Survey Scotland found that “more than half of the respondents (58%) said that at some time in the past they had been concerned about the possibility of being a victim of crime”. More recently, Hough (1995:25) found that when asked how safe they felt when walking alone in their area after dark, some 36 per cent of those surveyed said that they felt ‘a bit unsafe’ or ‘very unsafe’. It appears that the fear of crime is a social phenomenon of striking dimensions.

However, several commentators have raised doubts about the validity of the instruments used to generate these findings (see, inter alia, Bernard, 1992; Bowling, 1993; Fattah, 1993; Schneider, 1981; Skogan, 1981; and Zauberman, 1985). A range of methodological problems have been identified which cumulatively raise the possibility that the incidence of the fear of crime has been significantly misrepresented. Chief amongst these is the criticism that there may be great variation in reported fear of crime levels due to the nature of the question used to measure it. Bernard (1992:66), Fattah (1993:53) and Yin (1982:242) all note that closed questions produce greater reported levels of fear than open questions. Undertaking analyses similar to that employed by Belson (quantitative interviews followed-up qualitatively) we shall explore this issue.

Data analysis

The data consist of both quantitative and qualitative interviews with 64 respondents. Respondents were interviewed using standard closed questions about their fear of crime and then re-interviewed qualitatively a month later. We refer to differences in levels of reporting between the quantitative and qualitative interviews as ‘mismatches’. In all, 114 mismatches were found in the data. Of these 46 (or 40%) were identified as being the result of asking questions in open and closed forms. The reasons for the other mismatches are shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Mismatch seriousness by mismatch explanation
Type of Mismatch‘Catastrophic’‘Serious’‘Mild’Total
‘Open’ or ‘closed’ questions 21 17 8 46
Interview context 3 16 3 22
‘Worry’ variously interpreted 5 10 1 16
‘Formless’ or ‘concrete’ fears 5 6 2 13
Genuine change 3 4 2 9
Interpretation of question by respondent 2 2 - 4
Memory decay 2 1 1 4
Total 41 56 17 114

Mismatch seriousness and explanations

Not all mismatches were rated the same in terms of their severity. For example, the mismatch arising from respondents who claim not to worry ‘at all’ about burglary at the quantitative interview but at the qualitative interview indicate that they worry ‘occasionally’, is vastly different to that from respondents who make the same claim at the quantitative interview but during the qualitative interview indicate that they worry ‘all the time’ and ‘cannot go out leaving the home unattended’ for fear of burglary. Bearing this and other possibilities in mind, a three-point scale of mismatch seriousness (ranging from ‘catastrophic’ to ‘mild’) was developed in order to rate these differences. The ‘catastrophic’ level includes: responses which were direct contradictions, such as reporting very high levels of fear during quantitative interviews, but low levels during the qualitative interview (or vice versa) or illogical statements (such as worrying ‘a lot’ about having one’s car stolen but not actually having a car). The ‘serious’ level includes: qualifications and expansions of previous answers (such as new words used to describe fear or worry, or social and geographical contexts being brought into play) and other, less marked cases of inconsistencies between estimates of worry between the quantitative and the qualitative interviews. The ‘mild’ level includes minor discrepancies or slight shifts in emphasis.

Each mismatch was coded not just for its seriousness but also for a possible explanation of cause. This entailed a great deal of interpretation on the part of the researchers. Each mismatch was recorded and notes made about preceding comments that could have explained it.

Table 1 crosstabulates the seriousness of mismatches by the explanation given for each. The most common mismatches were judged to be the results of using an ‘open’ as opposed to a ‘closed’ question (n=46, 40%). The next most common explanations were differences resulting from referring to specific contexts in the qualitative interviews (n=22, 19%); the use of the word ‘worry’ as a surrogate for other words, (n=16, 14%) and the measuring of ‘formless’ as opposed to ‘concrete’ fears (n=13, 11%).

The majority of the ‘catastrophic’ mismatches were between ‘open’ and ‘closed’ questions (n=21). For example, when one respondent was asked at the quantitative interview how much he worried about being robbed or assaulted, he replied by placing himself in the middle of a 5 point scale. At the qualitative interview, when asked again about how much he worried about this type of offence, he said “No, no, ’cos as I say, since I got done the first time [during the late 1970s], I’m very careful”. So he was a ‘5’, is now a ‘1’, and personally averages himself as a ‘3’.

Are we over-estimating the fear of crime by using closed questions or are we under-estimating the fear of crime by using open questions? Not all mismatches applied to ‘worry’ about crime (five applied to risk assessments and one to worries about having a fire in the home), but of the 40 ‘open’ and ‘closed’ mismatches that did relate to worry about crime, 37 confirmed the finding that ‘closed’ questions generate apparently higher levels of fear.

Closed questions, it is argued, sensitise and direct respondents toward the set of answers offered, and the empirical evidence supports this. A Harris poll (Harris & Associates, 1975), for example, employed a ‘closed’ question to evaluate whether an elderly population was concerned about crime. They found that 23 per cent of the sample considered crime to be a serious personal problem. Yin (1982) employing an ‘open’ question found that only 1 per cent of a comparable elderly population considered crime to be a serious personal problem, (reported in Fattah 1993:53-54). Bernard (1987:66) reports research undertaken by Schuman and Presser (1981). When they asked about the most serious problems in the USA today, 16 per cent cited ‘crime and violence’, but when they asked ‘Do you think that crime and violence is a serious problem today?’ 35 per cent of respondents replied positively.

It would appear that measurements of the extent of the fear of crime are grossly sensitive to the nature of the question asked. Given that open questions allow respondents the opportunity to provide their ‘own’ answers, uncontaminated by research priorities, we conclude that closed questions greatly over-estimate the incidence of the fear of crime. Closed questions are the staple of many crime surveys. Because of this, the surveys may be over-estimating the fear of crime by as much as 23 times. It seems that surveys will tell us little about the fear of crime, but a lot about the nature of the questions used. This issue is important as it must be remembered that the vast majority of crime and fear of crime surveys employ closed questions.

If Belson’s conclusion that qualitative interviews are ‘closer to the truth’ and quantitative questions over-estimate is correct, quantitative fear of crime measures will consistently over-estimate levels of fear. Given that many social surveys rely upon closed questions to assess attitudes towards a range of issues, this is indeed a worrying finding.

Research implications

Two important issues will be addressed in this final section. First we consider the implications of our findings for other areas of social research, and then we discuss whether there are any solutions to the measurement difficulties we have identified.

‘Crime’ is a very emotive topic that provokes strong reactions, presumably due to the inherent unpleasantness of being a victim. Two of the most commonly used terms in this field (‘fear’ and ‘worry’), are emotive but vague. Other complex issues which arouse vague emotions in people and about which strong opinions are held may similarly generate over-estimates. If this does prove to be the case, we need to be careful in our use of survey research methods to measure some issues. In addition, many questions designed to measure anxiety about crime are often asked out of context (for example, in a one-off interview which does not allow time for qualification or reflection). Other issues, such as attitudes to the environment, ‘fear’ of unemployment and views about local services, which are commonly measured using similar techniques may also yield exaggerated responses.

It would be foolish to conclude from this that crime studies should abandon survey research and ‘go qualitative’. For one thing, surveys have to have a large number of respondents reporting criminal victimisations if the results of the analysis are to be meaningful. However, it is possible to envisage new developments in this field. It may be possible to re-calibrate results downwards. This would only be possible after further research which attempted to assess the exact extent of the over-estimation. This could be achieved by asking differently worded questions and subsequently assessing them by analysis similar to that discussed here. The exercise would involve asking respondents questions using different words in place of ‘worry’, asking them which best described their feelings about crime and then comparing the best new measure against the old measure. This would amount to a large scale test-retest study aimed at refining measures.

Re-conceptualising the dependent variable may also lead to improvements in its measurement. Anxieties about crime have been conceptualised as being unidimensional: ‘fear’ and little else. By incorporating other words or expressions, other dimensions (perhaps less prone to over-estimation) may be measured. For example, cognitive aspects (such as thinking about crime and how to avoid it) could also be assessed. Respondents could be asked when they last thought about criminal victimisation (perhaps by relying upon diary methods). Whatever the solution, conceptual advances in this field are long over due.

An alternative method may be to stop asking about the fear of crime in a direct manner and instead ask about it indirectly. Some researchers (e.g. Wurff et al 1989) have already started along this road. Wurff et al used vignettes which described everyday events, which may or may not have involved the threat of victimisation. Respondents were asked to interpret the situation and to predict what might happen next and what they would do. This meant that respondents reflected their anxieties about crime through their interpretations of ‘everyday’ events. Clearly this still relies upon qualitative data, but makes its use in survey research easier.


The research reported here was supported by an ESRC grant (L210 25 2007) under the Council’s Crime And Social Order research programme. Versions have been presented at the Faculty of Law, Sheffield University and at the British Criminology Conference, Loughborough University, July 1995. We are grateful to Tony Jefferson, Nigel Gilbert and an anonymous reviewer for their comments on earlier drafts. We also extend our appreciation to those who made comments on the paper at the above seminars and conferences.


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Department of Sociology
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Edited by Nigel Gilbert.

Summer 1997 © University of Surrey

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